St Martin des Faux

Hôtel ** - Restaurant

For business? Or with your family?

Sales reps and business people, you will find Aux Berges de Pareloup to be a peaceful port of call.
We can welcome you for a seminar in a well-appointed room that can seat up to 30 people or for a one-night business rate package (€65, 2024 price).
Groups (50 people max.) touring the region by coach will be welcome for a gourmet stopover.
We will also be delighted to welcome you for your family meals, christenings and first communions.



Restaurant openings

— Lunch —
Restaurant open every lunchtime from Monday to Friday.
Saturday lunchtime closed.
Open Sunday lunchtime.
In July and August, Sunday lunchtime, unique “Brasucade Moules Frites” menu, by reservation.

— In the evening —
Every evening from Monday to Sunday restaurant open only to hotel guests.


contact and access|legals

Hôtel ** - Restaurant
«Aux berges de Pareloup»

12410 St Martin des Faux,
Tél. 05 65 46 35 09
Fax. 05 65 46 00 29