St Martin des Faux

Hôtel ** - Restaurant

Everyone in the water!

Swimming, relaxing and lazing around are all pleasures to be enjoyed if you stop by our indoor pool. Chill out in this soothing, refreshing setting which looks onto the garden no less!

Take note: the pool is open from 1st May to 30th September only!

piscineVirtual viewAide manipulation panoramiques 360

For PMR accessibility, please contact us.


Restaurant openings

— Lunch —
Restaurant open every lunchtime from Monday to Friday.
Saturday lunchtime closed.
Open Sunday lunchtime.
In July and August, Sunday lunchtime, unique “Brasucade Moules Frites” menu, by reservation.

— In the evening —
Every evening from Monday to Sunday restaurant open only to hotel guests.


contact and access|legals

Hôtel ** - Restaurant
«Aux berges de Pareloup»

12410 St Martin des Faux,
Tél. 05 65 46 35 09
Fax. 05 65 46 00 29